TincalLab Challenge | Jewelry+Literature

Tincal lab is a contemporary jewelry processing and exhibition space founded by Portuguese jeweler Ana Pina in Porto, Portugal. Under the motto "curating and experimenting with contemporary jewelry", Tincal lab has been an active laboratory for the creation of contemporary jewelry and exhibition space since 2015, featuring curated workshops with invited jewelers, individual and group exhibitions by local and international artists.
Tincal lab Challenge 2022 Jewelry and Literature Tincal lab Challenge is an annual initiative that begins with an open call to jewelers from around the world and concludes with a collective display and sales event that opens at the Tincal lab every November. With the main aim of showcasing the quality and diversity of contemporary jewellery, opening its doors to the general public, Tincal lab annually invites jewelers from all over the world for a challenge: the creation of up to 3 pieces with a maximum price , inspired by a theme. In 2022, the eighth edition of this initiative suggested a reflection on the theme "Jewellery and Literature" and gathered in Porto more than 200 pieces by 79 artists from 29 different countries, created specifically for this event, with a maximum price of €150. This initiative aims to inspire artists and raise public awareness, allowing jewelry to break out of its more conventional commercial circuit, while also making its artistic side more accessible - even from a monetary point of view. In this edition, the artists used literature as a source of inspiration, exploring letters, words and quotes, materials such as paper, porcelain or sand, favorite books, characters and authors - presenting not only pieces of jewellery, but also reflections, stories, artwork.
Now, at the Galleria Carlo Lucidi, Tincal lab presents a selection of the Tincal lab Challenge 2022 Jewelry and Literature exhibition, with around 120 pieces from 56 jewelers.
From November 11, 2023 to January 31, 2024 .
Ana Marchetanu (RO) | Andrea Serini (AR) | Bárbara Laso (ES) | Be Garcia (ES) | Brigitte Raoult (BE) | Carlo Lucidi (IT) | Carmen López (ES) | Carol Roz (BR) | Ching-Hui Yang (TW) | Claudia Cucchi (BR) | Clélia Jewelery (PT) | Cleopatra Cosulet (RO) | Clodagh Molloy (IE) | Cristina Celis (MX) | Elsa Bénott (FR) | Elvira Cibotti (AR) | Flora Caligiuri (AR) | Flore Soria (FR) | Frágil Jewelery (PT) | Gabriela Marcos (AR) | Hilary Hertzler (US) | Inês Sobreira (PT) | Irene G. Barrera (ES) | James Thurman (US) | Jennifer Moore (US) | Kamile Staneliene (LT) | Katia Rabey (RU) | Laura Leyt (AR) | Laura Volpi (IT) | Maria Benedita (PT) | Maria Eugenia Ramos (AR) | Maria Paltin (RO) | Mária Roskó (HU) | Marina Costa (PT) | Martin Grosman (CZ) | Mayumi Okuyama (BR) | Megan Mary MacKenzie (AU) | Mercedes Carvallo (VE) | Miriam Andraus Pappalardo (BR) | Monica Wickström (FI) | Monique Lecouna (AR) | Paula Botto Fiora (AR) | Paula Isola (AR) | Paula Pizani (VE) | Pilar Viedma (ES) | Rebecca Strzelec (US) | Rita Martinez (CR) | Rocio Britos (AR) | Sabrina Formica (IT) | Salvador Vico (ES) | Shu-Lin Wu (TW) | Sława Tchórzewska (PL) | Susanne Matsché (AT) | Yael Friedman (IL) | Yiota Vogli (GR) | Young-Ji Chi (KR)