Selezione MJW: Lamia Saab: La Gioielleria come Mezzo di Ribellione
Carlo Lucidi
MJW Selection: Lamia Saab: Jewelery as a Means of Rebellion

Ever since she was a child, Lamia Saab has felt...

Selezione MJW: Austin Turley: Esploratore delle Complessità del Vetro Fuso
Carlo Lucidi
MJW Selection: Austin Turley: Explorer of the Complexities of Fused Glass

Austin Turley is an artist based in Portland, Oregon, whose...

Selezione MJW: Label D: Dove il Legno di Quercia Millenario Incontra l'Artigianato Contemporaneo
Carlo Lucidi
MJW Selection: Label D: Where Millenary Oak Wood Meets Contemporary Craftsmanship

In the heart of Minsk, Belarus, designer and creator Daria...

Selezione MJW: Nana Watanabe: Gioielli Giapponesi tra Arte e Leggerezza
Carlo Lucidi
MJW Selection: Nana Watanabe: Japanese Jewelery between Art and Lightness

Nana, a Japanese jewelry designer, has charted an extraordinary artistic...

Selezione MJW: PhaniaC: Un'Artista che Fonde Ceramica, Metalli e Creatività Inarrestabile
Carlo Lucidi
MJW Selection: PhaniaC: An Artist Who Blends Ceramics, Metals and Unstoppable Creativity

In the heart of Bologna, PhaniaC, a Generation X artist,...

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